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Wehrmacht 'Heldentod Urkunde'


Wehrmacht 'Heldentod Urkunde' (Ehrenblatt). This document was given to the family of 'Karl Jetschko' who was a Gefreiter in the '14./Panzer-Jäger-Kompanie Grenadier-Regiment 407'. He was killed in action on 22 July 1941 at Wierzbotowski . The din-A4 sized document is showing a gilt printed eagle with the text: 'Getreu seinem Fahneneid starb im Kampf um die Freiheit Grossdeutschlands, den Heldentod für Führer, Volk und Vaterland' (True to his military oath he died in the fight for Great-Germany's freedom, for the Führer, people and country). This document has regrettably been folded twice, see scans. Nice and interesting original document! 

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